How do I add items from the Popular Tab, Recent Tab, or Items Catalog Tab?
Last updated: 2019-01-30
Last updated: 2019-01-30
Post view count: 2246
Generally, 70% of the products you buy are recurring purchases. That’s why in our shopping list we created special catalogs to help you buy your favorite products.
The “Favorite” tab includes all the products you’ve recently bought.
“Popular Products” is a catalog of things most frequently added by Listonic users.
The “Item Catalog” is great for browsing when you want to find the most popular products in each category
- To add an item to your list, tap the “Add item” section.
- Select one of the three tabs: “Popular,” “Recent” or “Items Catalog.”
- Tap the “+” button next to the items you want to add.
- If you’d like to add quantities to the item, press the “✓” button a few times.
The “Favorite” tab includes all the products you’ve recently bought.
“Popular Products” is a catalog of things most frequently added by Listonic users.
The “Item Catalog” is great for browsing when you want to find the most popular products in each category
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